Thursday, June 23, 2011

A Real Magic Trick

Last night, I had the honor and privilege of meeting Brock Gill, the nationally known Christian illusionist. He's basically the Christian version of Criss Angel. A church from the northern parts of Georgia came here to Panama City to hold their youth camp, and asked  for us to allow them to use Axis as their worship center. Ray and I met them and talked with them and arranged everything for their stay with us. Now, I have always been a fan of illusions, ever since I was little. To this day, I still love the art of illusion and watching good illusionists baffle me with the question: "Ok, how did he do that?" I'm not superstitious or believe that magic is real, but I still love sitting there with the emotion and memory I did as a little child believing that it was real. I even at the age of 6 proclaimed to my parents that I was going to be a professional magician, and I bought all kinds of DIY magic kits and tricks, and I always put on a show for them. Even now, I still enjoy a good trick that captures the imagination and captivates the heart.

When I heard they booked Brock Gill the illusionist, I was pretty stoked. I never heard of him before so I thought he was small time, but it turns out that he's actually nationally known. I always love to meet famous people because it's always a good story to tell, and because I don't get to meet people like that everyday. Before everyone came in, after I had sat through Roy's message review, I was determined to meet this guy. I walked up to him and shook his hand, introduced who I was and asked if he needed help and sure enough, he did. I got to help him set up, which was really cool because I felt like I was in "show-biz". He was a really cool and humble dude.

Brock was easily one of my favorite illusionists I ever saw. He combined humor with his showmanship and did all sorts of tricks and stunts that truly amazed me. At the end though is where he really caught my attention. At the end of his show, he stopped and shared the gospel. He told everyone who wanted to commit their lives to Christ to stand and find a counselor, and that night 15 kids got saved. My good friend Nathan Parens, who is on the media team at Northstar, led his little brother to the Lord. It was such a touching moment that made me praise God for His love and glory. Brock really brought the heat with his message, and God was at work. I felt the presence of the Lord fill my heart and gave me such a joy...I felt incredible.

Brock gave an amazing illustration at the very end before he closed, his final illusion that not only was a beautiful depiction of God's love, but an amazing finale. He had an empty bucket, and behind him were 3 stools, each with a vase filled with water. He told the story of how Jesus said in John 4:14 But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life." He took the vases filled with water and began filling the bucket. He did this over 10 times, each time he said over and over "You will never thirst again". The vases kept refilling, and he kept repouring them into the bucket. It was a beautiful illustration. 

Jesus was the greatest magician of all. His tricks though, weren't tricks at all, they were miracles. His magic, His power was real. It was from His Father Who is in Heaven, and loves us with such a love, that His Son would die on the cross just to give us salvation. Brock Gill didn't save those kids, Ray, Nathan and the other counselors didn't save those kids, Christ did. Jesus is THE way. Going to church isn't the way, saying you're a Christian isn't a way. Jesus is the ONLY way.

"No one comes to the Father, except through me" --John 14:6. 

A relationship with Jesus Christ is the most important decision you will EVER make in your life. God was at work last night, and He worked through Brock Gill. It was nights like last night that made me love the Father even more, love what I do more, and wish that moments like these, lasted forever.

To God be the glory.

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