Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Reflections

Tomorrow is THE single greatest day in the history of mankind, when God sent his only begotten son Jesus Christ the Messiah to be born, live a sinless perfect life and die for our sins and pay the debt that we were all meant to bear. We fancy up Christmas with traditions, overplayed songs and Christmas specials, all the while distracting us from the TRUE meaning of Christmas. The commercialized "true meaning of Christmas" would have you believe that giving gifts and good cheer just for the heck of it is the "true" meaning, but it's not. It's just a sad twisted reality that man has made over the years. No my friends the true meaning of Christmas is to worship the Savior who came to this Earth to redeem us, and to open a way for us to live in an intimate relationship with God. Christmas isn't about getting anything. It's not about family, it's not about eggnog or Christmas movies. Not saying that there's anything wrong with any of those things, but it's not what Christmas really is. It's about stopping for a moment and worshiping and recognizing that Jesus is Lord, and reflecting on what He did for us and thinking about His birth in the manger.

I talked with my best friend Dave the other day and we talked about many things. Somehow we got on the topic of atheists, and it seems that the source of their unbelief is that they're all mad at God about something. That they believe that He didn't give them something, allow something to happen, or took something from them and they just disconnect. The root of all it is anger. Angry at God, an interesting concept wouldn't you say? See, as humans we are born with the inbred inclination that we are all entitled to things. That we have the right to certain things and privileges. I hate to break it to you, but we're not. Everything you see belongs to God and the only reason that you "own" it, which you don't, is because God willed it to be so. You don't deserve anything, you have no right to anything, and you're not entitled to anything. All unbelievers seek an experience with God. Something tremendous when in reality it's happening all around them, they just don't see it. When you are attuned to His Word and His Will, and if You seek Him with all your heart, you will find God. It's on of His promises. And God doesn't break promises.

At Northstar, Pastor Marty taught one of the best messages I ever heard entitled "Do you have room in your heart for Jesus?" Basically, we overcrowd our hearts with things, relationships, hobbies, work and other things that we don't have room for Jesus in our heart so we shut the door in His face. We are like the innkeeper that didn't give Joseph and Mary a room to stay in for Christ to be born. Instead of wondering what you could give to others, ask what can you give to Jesus on His birthday?

I hope you all who have read this will have a very merry Christmas, and reflect on the true meaning of it. The one that is was intended for.

Thanks for reading, God bless and merry Christmas.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Broken Past, Fixed Future

Life isn't about regretting the choices you've made or mistakes you've done, but rather realizing that without those mistakes and regrets, you wouldn't be who you are now. Sometimes we lay awake at night beating ourselves up with a certain decision or choice that we've made that we wish we could take back, but we never get that opportunity. I honestly believe that wasn't what God had intended for us to do. God shapes us each and every day whether we realize it or not. God is so sovereign that he weaves this awesome tapestry of life, a symphony(music reference, just wanted to put it in there) that each little moment, no matter how small, effects you in a major way. Think about it, how did you become who you are now? Can you honestly say you know? Why do you love the things you love, do the things you do, think the way you think, or love the way you love? Some say it depends on their walks of life or circumstances with which they grew up in. I believe however, that it was divine influence implanted into our lives daily. Notice how whenever your points of view on life changes as you get older. Whether it be from child to teenager, from teen to adult, from adult to elderly, your mind state is in constant change with experience. What causes the change? The variables. Who's in the charge of the variables? You guessed it, God is. You cannot escape His influence no matter how hard you try, and why would you want to? He works everything out for your greater good. There have mistakes I've made that I used to lay awake at night and just sulk and let my past haunt me, that is until God revealed to me that I am, and get this: NOT PERFECT. And without making said mistakes, I wouldn't be the Zach that you see, or rather in this case, read before you. Here's a comforting fact, you're going to screw up in life...a lot. You have to fail a few times before you can succeed. Sometimes failing gives us a reluctancy  to want to try anything anymore, to not take risks. Which in turn causes procrastination. This fear will contaminate your faith. 

"Procrastination is just a fancy word for delayed obedience" --Roy Mansfield 

Turst God, take risks, make mistakes (within reason) and don't worry so much about what you've done. Because there is a God that is far greater than anything you could possibly imagine. 

Thanks for reading. 

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