Friday, June 17, 2011

My Lifelong Dreams..

Ever since I could remember, I had a lifelong dream to live in a condo on the beach. To this day, that dream still remains true to my heart. Sometimes when I close my eyes, I can almost picture it: the view from the balcony, the ocean at night, friends coming over and laughing. This is a dream that I've my whole life, and it hasn't changed, but I did however add more things to the list to complete. Here's my life To-Do List:

1. Graduate high school
2. Go to college
3. Become a pastor
4. Find my dream condo 
5. Find my true love and start a family

I know it sounds cheesy or probably ridiculous to you, but just think for a moment what your lifelong dream is. Is it realistic? Can you achieve it? All the things on my list are realistic and feasible. It will take some time, and a lot of hard work but there's one thing that keeps me reassured and focused on my goals. My faith in Christ. There's a scripture that says: "Delight yourself in the LORD, and He will give you the desires of your heart". --Psalm 37:4. Now, this is not saying that you'll get EVERYTHING you want ALL the time, because maybe it's not in God's plan for you. My dream are engraved and etched in the deepest corners of my mind, and I feel that this is my destiny. To serve the Lord, commit my life to ministry. He revealed all these things to me. Before that, I used to not have a clue what I was going to do with myself.

I want to challenge you right now, I want you to think of a childhood dream or goal that you wanted as a kid, and compare that to your dream now. Are they the same? Are they different? What happened between then and now? Did you lose sight of your goal? Did it seem too far away? Did you lose faith? God's plan for you is always good. He never gives you anything you don't want, unless He's trying to build your character. Now that I'm a senior in high school, I'm coming very close to checking off step 1 off my To-Do List and move on to the next step. It feels so close. It feels so real. Whatever dream you may have, never lose sight of it no matter how difficult the road may seem. It's not the journey itself, but the destination that matters. Put your faith in the Lord, delight yourself in Him, and He will give you the desires of your heart. For me, my real true desire is Him. It just took me a long time to see that. I believe that life is a journey towards God, and that no one has the right to insist that you go a certain road. He will direct you. Never lose sight of your dreams, because if you do, you might never see them to be realities.

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