Thursday, August 11, 2011

One Love

God desires us. He wants us to be in a intimate love relationship with him that is real and personal. If none of us were without sin, then we wouldn't need Jesus. "We love Him, because He loved us first" --1 John 4:19

Let's think about what that means first. We love because HE first loved. This verse indicates that before creation existed, before man, animals and that Starbucks in the mall was even there, God loved us. God knows the past, present and future. He loved us before He even created us. Isn't that mind-blowing? He knew the world would fall into temptation, so He sent His son to die on the cross for our sins. He is the master planner. He knows it before you even think to do. God will always beat you to it. We are not original due to this fact, we merely copy what God has already made possible for us to think.

Temptation is a hard thing to refuse, in any form that in comes in. Temptation can lead to addiction, it can ruin friendships, and destroy integrity. Our minds are nomads. They wander from place to place when attention isn't fixated on what drives us, or in other words pleases us. No one is above temptation, and no one is safe from it. We are tempted everyday in some shape or form, whether it be small as a piece of cake you KNOW you shouldn't have, to as big as cheating on your wife.

Whatever our struggles, we all have them. Sometimes life comes at us like a freight train and makes us forget about God, and then it makes us complacent with out relationship with Christ. God however, desires us and loves us in such a way that he devises a plan to bring you back to Him. Surround yourself with Godly people, who will step in when they see you stumble and fall, pick you up and lift you higher than you ever were to begin with. I've found such people, and they truly saved my life.

This will be hard for you, but try to desire nothing but The Lord, and an intimate relationship with Him. Cast aside all other desires, when they come, refocus your attention on Him. Try this for a week and see how much God will love on you and bless you.

Don't let selfish desires and temptation forget who you are and what you believe in. You are more than any mistake you can ever make, and God is greater than anything you can ever imagine.

He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;
   I will be exalted among the nations,
   I will be exalted in the earth.” --Psalm 46:10

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